The SPAITR (Sports AI Tracker) Map is a mobile app where nearby lacrosse players can coordinate pick-up lacrosse games to happen locally. Players can do this by navigating an interactive map of their surroundings and selecting points of interest where a game could be created or joined. Players can also view where lacrosse games happened in the past to identify popular playing locations. The goal is to simplify the process for lacrosse players to organize local games and provide a way for players to play with new people. Our team accomplished this by developing a mobile app that communicates with the backend server to determine active games in the area and display them to users. This is an extension of the main SPAITR app which provides lacrosse players with their game data to optimize improvement. With the integration of this Map into the main app, we hope to help the SPAITR app gain more users by strengthening the social and community aspects of the app.
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Conference URC
Event Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (ISE)