
QuadX-Swarm (Electrical Engineering)

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The QuadX Swarm team is an interdisciplinary group of undergraduate and graduate students that has worked to create a swarm of autonomous quadcopters. The QuadX Swarm team researches, tests, and improves these quads in order to make a more robust, adaptable system for various applications. The electrical engineering team created systems to enhance quad capabilities and support autonomy and swarm implementation. A communication network using Xbee transceivers was achieved and conceptually proven to be able to support the communication needs for swarm technology. A collision avoidance/obstacle detection system was designed, prototyped, and tested as a proof of concept and will increase the survivability of these quadcopters for autonomous swarm flight. This research is valuable for several different UAV research developments, as these systems are necessary to support the goal of autonomous flight and swarm capability.


First Name Last Name
Christian Talmo
Andrew Nguyen
Bartlett Hooper
Jeffrey Wansley III

File Count: 1

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Submission Details

Conference URC
Event Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (ISE)
Department Electrical Engineering (ISE)
Added April 26, 2021, 12:50 a.m.
Updated April 26, 2021, 12:51 a.m.
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