The City of Dover is a permittee of the General Permit for Stormwater Discharge for Small Municipal Storm Sewer Systems, or MS4 permit issued by the EPA. A 2017 amendment to the permit has required Dover to take action in detecting and eliminating illicit discharges in their stormwater system. This project is aimed at assembling a test kit and developing an easy to follow procedure for using the test kit to detect illicit discharges. The EPA lists the following parameters for required testing when sampling a stormwater outfall: ammonia, chlorine, conductivity, salinity, surfactants, temperature and pollutants of concern. Through thorough research, a number of testing materials and devices that could detect those parameters in stormwater were compared and a final kit was assembled. Based on these kit components and EPA guidelines, a procedure for testing and sampling outfalls was developed. Some parameters can be tested in the field and others must have sample brought back to the lab or office to be tested. The procedure outlines both of these processes and then provides further steps to take depending on test results. A test resulting in a positive detection for illicit discharge leads to testing further up the line of catch basins and manholes until the illicit discharge can be isolated and its cause determined. An instructional video depicting this process and the use of the test kit will be final product provided to the city of Dover.
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Conference URC
Event Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (ISE)
Department Civil and Environmental Engineering (ISE)