UNH facilities will partner with the UNH Stormwater Center to implement a stormwater Best Management Practice (BMP) that disconnects impervious cover at nitrogen hotspots identified by the Municipal Bioretention program. The Great Bay Nitrogen Non-Point Source Study (GBNNPSS) identified stormwater as a significant source of the non-point source nitrogen load (34%) to the Great Bay. This project focuses on the area along the southeastern portion of UNH Durham campus (next to C-lot), which represents a large, currently unmanaged, urbanized area that collectively drains into College Brook. The BMP proposed will be a subsurface gravel wetland system that includes an internal water storage reservoir for nitrogen removal. This BMP was chosen because it is easy to retrofit to the existing wetland area and it is one of the most effective stormwater treatment systems for removing pollutants. Through the implementation of an innovative subsurface gravel wetland, the project will disconnect and treat runoff prior to discharging to receiving waters.
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Submission Details
Conference URC
Event Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (ISE)
Department Civil and Environmental Engineering (ISE)