
Bridge Replacement – Mason Road over Great Brook – Milford, NH​


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GM2 Associates brought this bridge redesign project to the University of New Hampshire’s Project Planning and Design course. The existing bridge carrying Mason Road over great Brook in Milford New Hampshire was red-listed in 2018 due to advancing section loss caused by corrosion. Our group was assigned to come up with a design alternative to replace or repair the red-listed bridge and better accommodate hydraulic flow requirements. Within this project, the group considered different aspects of design and construction. The aspects include geotechnical properties and hydraulic flow associated with the site, as well as water and traffic control techniques during construction. Calculations were performed to determine bearing capacity of the soil when designing foundation requirements, along with the design of wingwalls and the bituminous concrete roadway.


First Name Last Name
Seth Reed
Moise Reveil
Charles Wetherbee
Douglas Reitmeyer
Cameron Sweet

File Count: 1

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Submission Details

Conference URC
Event Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (ISE)
Department Civil and Environmental Engineering (ISE)
Group Design
Added April 13, 2023, 2:19 p.m.
Updated April 18, 2023, 12:35 p.m.
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