
Social Media Sentiment Analysis


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The main purpose of this project is to perform sentiment analysis about Fidelity’s virtual assistant and chat-bot products. This project’s value to Fidelity is based on how customers feel about these products. They should be able to tell how happy users are with their product as well as finding any deficiencies. This would determine if Fidelity will have to make changes to their product to satisfy customer needs. When the user visits the webpage dashboard, they should be able to understand the overall sentiment of their preferred social media platform within 5 minutes. A sentiment model is a machine learning algorithm used to determine if a certain text is positive or negative in tone, based on its context. High negative scores indicate that the text is negative in tone, while high positive scores indicate the opposite. There are multiple deliverables in this project. This includes multiple web crawlers, which scour the internet using public APIs to scrape data from Reddit and the Google Play Store. The sentiment analysis is performed by using machine learning models & NLTK. Results are stored inside a database, which also provides endpoints for access by external sources.


First Name Last Name
Owen Arnone
Austin Megalaitis
Mihir Khadka
Justin Nem

File Count: 1

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Submission Details

Conference URC
Event Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (ISE)
Department Computer Science (ISE)
Group Data Science
Added April 18, 2022, 9:49 a.m.
Updated April 19, 2023, 10:39 a.m.
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