
UNH Sales Center: Contact/Event Management Solution (Input)


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The UNH Sales Center allows students and alumni who are interested in or partaking in Sales (classes, organizations, programs, etc.) to connect with sponsors, companies, and each other. We split the project into two teams. Our team focused on how data will be imported for the UNH Sales contact management solution. We transitioned the UNH Sales Center from a manual process of updating their Contact Management to an automated solution. With our sponsor's goals and needs, we felt that implementing a customer relationship management, or CRM, would be the best fit for them. Through research and investigation, we chose Zoho as the software that we will implement for the UNH Sales Center. By using Zoho, they will have one dedicated application to organize their contacts rather than their manual excel sheets. We organized their existing data so that it is importable into their new CRM and we have set up the account for the CRM software. The CRM allows the Sales Center to use CSVs to import existing contacts and use a web form that can upload their engagement attendance. With the CRM running, it allows the Sales Center to save time by using excel to create CSVs to import new contacts and to use a web form that can upload their engagement attendance that they are currently doing manually.


First Name Last Name
Steven Saing
Jennifer Nachatelo
Nicholas Ippedico

File Count: 1

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Submission Details

Conference URC
Event Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (ISE)
Department Computer Science (ISE)
Group Applications
Added April 16, 2022, 12:35 p.m.
Updated April 16, 2022, 12:36 p.m.
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