
Local Resources for Parents and Youth with Disabilities


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My Leadership Project is a continuation of work from previous trainees who conducted housing research and created a chart representing a continuum of care across the lifespan. I was tasked with revising this diagram to improve readability and accessibility for website viewers as well as the creation of short resource summaries individuals with disabilities across the lifespan who need information about various supports. For the diagram, I kept most of the original content and colors, but I streamlined it so that the supports are sorted into each age group and so the readers can better understand the changes in supports that occur over time. For the resource summaries, I created documents listing supports covering five different subject areas including Education, Employment, Housing, Healthcare, and Transportation. During my research, I, along with my mentors, determined which subtopics would be most helpful to parents who may not be fully aware the range of supports available. I then decided to which supports would best explain the subject in a way the readers would understand. I narrowed down the list of topics from an extensive list of resources. The subtopics described in the summaries are listed on the poster.


First Name Last Name
Cynthia Thielen

File Count: 1

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Conference GRC
Event Graduate Research Conference
Department NH-ME LEND Program (GRC)
Added April 30, 2020, 1:26 p.m.
Updated April 30, 2020, 1:26 p.m.
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