
Newmarket Waterfront Improvement Project



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Our group developed a preliminary design of potential upgrades to the downtown Newmarket waterfront area. With the growing population of Newmarket, town leadership as well as our project sponsor AECm desire to develop this waterfront area so that residents will be encouraged to spend more time downtown and grow the local economy. The waterfront area currently consists of a short Riverwalk that borders the Lamprey River, an underused boat ramp, and Herron Point (a local park) that is on the other side of the river with limited access. The upgrades our group proposed include a northern/southern expansion of the Riverwalk, new boat ramp designs, and a pedestrian bridge that connects the Riverwalk to Herron Point. With our proposed upgrades we hope that this will revitalize the waterfront area and benefit the downtown area.


First Name Last Name
Zac Chamberlain
Joseph Towle
Ian Bentley
Ian Avery
Bennett Newlove

File Count: 2

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Submission Details

Conference URC
Event Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (ISE)
Department Civil and Environmental Engineering (ISE)
Group Investigation and Assessment
Added April 24, 2020, 3:51 p.m.
Updated April 24, 2020, 3:51 p.m.
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