
Cloud-Native Streamline Computation


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Virtually all of our material economy is dependent on navigable seas. Water movement in our oceans generates an immense volume of data, and a fundamental understanding of this is crucial for the millions of people who work and live on the ocean. Our aim is to expose all ocean current data to the masses. By working with NOAA and CCOM, we have developed a cloud-native pipeline. This pipeline takes in raw data from NOAA, draws current streamlines, and converts these streamlines into a servable format, MapBox Vector Tiles (MVT). A publicly facing API will be the main access point for all served data. Our AWS built serverless system is event-driven and thus provides a cost-effective solution to deliver pre-computed streamlines. By serving precomputed streamlines, all users will be able to render and see ocean currents in sub-150ms timeframes. This offloads all intense computation to our backend and allows the user to see a speedup of approximately ten. By serving streamline data to all oceanic websites and seafaring technologies we are creating a backend to provide a seamless interface for all with a vested interest in the ocean.


First Name Last Name
Barrett Morse
Matt Hartman
Jack Hamilton
Jeff Johansen

File Count: 1

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Conference URC
Event Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (ISE)
Department Computer Science (ISE)
Group Systems
Added April 22, 2020, 8:46 a.m.
Updated April 22, 2020, 8:46 a.m.
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