
Cataloging and Locating Icequakes on the Ross Ice Shelf to Determine Long-Term Rift Behavior


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The ARROW project is a seismic survey mission sent to the Ross Ice Shelf to collect data from rift zone WR4. Over a 35 day period, from December 2nd to January 9th, 16 seismometers and 12 GPS stations continuously collected seismic on either side of the rift’s opening. A catalog of over 6000 unique seismic events was created and organized by signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Starting with events with the highest SNR, 465 events were located using WAVES to determine seismic hotspots along the rift zones edges. Comparing the number of events to both the strain across the rift and the diurnal tidal cycle underneath the ice shelf, there appears to be possible correlation between high strain, higher tidal elevations, and a rise in the number of events. Further locating of hypo-DD should provide more evidence of how these rift zones will continue to propagate through the Ross Ice Shelf.


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Simon Eisl

File Count: 1

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Conference URC
Event Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (ISE)
Department Physics and Astronomy (ISE)
Added April 17, 2024, 2:22 p.m.
Updated April 17, 2024, 2:23 p.m.
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