Transforming Energy Optimization Through Data Visualization
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Our client, EnergyLB, collects electrical data from their customers and identifies inefficiencies where the customer can save power and therefore money. Currently, analysis takes about three weeks. Our goal is to provide them with a solution to automate most of this process to reduce this to only a few minutes.
EnergyLB collects data as a spreadsheet. Our responsibility is to provide the tools to quickly turn this spreadsheet into visualizations they can use to get insights into the data. Most basic visualization needs were met by a third party software called Tableau. We utilized Python to create scripts to integrate into Tableau for more complex analyses, and standalone programs for data cleaning and processing.
We provided EnergyLB with a template Tableau file they can connect to new data sources and instantly produce a basic set of data visualizations. We also provided a data validation program that reads a spreadsheet and a config file, and produces a list of all data cells that did not match the cell’s expected content.
By using Tableau, we greatly reduced the turnaround time to produce visualizations. With the addition of the validation program, we have created a more robust data analysis pipeline. We are continuing our work to integrate more advanced analytical tools.
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Submission Details
Conference URC
Event Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering (ISE)
Department Computer Science (ISE)
Group Data Science
Added April 16, 2023, 1:56 p.m.
Updated April 16, 2023, 1:57 p.m.
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