The Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Symposium (ISE) at UNH is a premier event showcasing innovative undergraduate research. Students tackle real-world challenges, honing skills in problem-solving, project management, and teamwork under the guidance of expert faculty mentors. This experience not only celebrates their academic achievements but also equips them to launch new projects and initiatives as they embark on successful careers.
The ISE Symposium will be held on Wednesday, April 23rd in the Whittemore Center Arena. The program will feature over 400 students presenting their research to judges, faculty, attendees, and peers through posters and demonstrations from a multitude of disciplines, many interdisciplinary, including earth, environmental, biological, computer and physical sciences, bioengineering; chemical, civil, environmental, ocean, mechanical, electrical and computer engineering, mathematics and statistics, physics, and chemistry.
We invite you to join us in celebrating the impressive scholarly achievements of our extraordinary students.
Erin Santini Bell, Ph.D., P.E.
Interim Dean of the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
University of New Hampshire
In a continued effort to provide access to student research, digital copies of these presentations are made available and archived in this online gallery. Choose to view all poster and oral presentations or select presentations by department with the buttons below.
The Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Symposium has grown to become one of the marquee events in the UNH Undergraduate Research Conference. Bringing the URC ISE to fruition is the result of a collaborative effort of many UNH faculty and staff members as well as members of industry and alumni who serve as judges and volunteers. Thank you to those individuals, campus departments and companies for making the URC ISE a success.
Thank you to the 150 Research Advisers from faculty and industry for supporting our 500 students in their research efforts. Thank you to our 100+ Judges for spending the day with our students and providing them invaluable feedback.
Liz Wade (CEPS Office of the Dean) and David Benedetto (Computer Science)
Stephanie Whitney (CaPS), Young Jo Kim (Chemical Engineering), Stacey Hughes (Chemistry), Philippe Kalmogo (Civil & Environmental Engineering), Tony Puntin (Civil & Environmental Engineering & Mechanical Engineering), Dave Benedetto (Computer Science), Lisa Henry (Computer Science), Craig Smith (Computer Science), Anne Lightbody (Earth Sciences), Isabella Pizza (EOS/CCOM), MD Shaad Mahmud (Electrical & Computer Engineering), Shawna Hollen (Innovation Scholars), Stephen Hale (Leitzel Center), Michelle Capozzoli (Mathematics & Statistics), Juan Bautista (Mechanical Engineering), May-Win Thein (Ocean Engineering), Nathaly Santiesteban (Physics), and Kevan Carpenter (TSC)
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